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Address an underlying cause

of facial aging,

not just the symptom

The Procedure

Depending on your facial structure, amount of volume loss, and aesthetic goals, you will need 2-3 treatments spaced 6-8 weeks apart. Sculptra is injected as a watery solution in targeted areas under the skin along with a numbing agent. If needed, PRO-NOX (nitrous oxide) can be used for additional comfort.

There is no downtown with Sculptra treatments. You can expect to feel a little tender in injected areas and look puffy for up to 48 hours before the watery solution is reabsorbed and your face returns to baseline. There may be some mild bruising after injections that will resolve over 7-10 days. To achieve the best results, it is crucial that you perform self-massage on your face as directed by your provider for 5 days after injections.

Smooth Youthful Looking Skin

The End Result

It is important to remember that after the initial side effects of Sculptra injections resolve, your face will look as it did at baseline.


The PLLA particles in Sculptra gently stimulate collagen production. Lost volume begins to be restored around 6-8 weeks post-injection and continues for months (even up to 1 year) to improve hollowing, wrinkles, sagging and folding, and facial contouring.


Once you have reached your desired aesthetic goals, results may last up to 2 years and can be maintained with once yearly booster treatments.

What Is Sculptra?

Sculptra is a unique treatment in the aesthetic field that stimulates the body’s natural collagen production to address one of the causes of facial aging, collagen loss. Poly-L-lactic acid (PLLA) particles in Sculptra gradually stimulate collagen production, revitalizing the deep dermis to restore facial volume and diminish wrinkles. Results appear gradually over a period of months and last up to 2 years.

Sculptra can improve:

  • Loss of cheek contour

  • Nasolabial folds (smile lines) and marionette lines

  • Hollowing in the temple area

  • Chin dimpling and wrinkles

  • Overall skin texture and tone

Sculptra treatments pair well with many other aesthetic treatments including PRP injections (which may help revitalize and re-volumize aging tissue as well), neuromodulators to soften wrinkles and frown lines, and photofacials to address pigment changes.

If you want to look more youthful without anyone knowing you’ve had anything done, Sculptra may be right for you!


Is the procedure painful?

Sculptra injections are usually minimally painful. A numbing agent is injected along with Sculptra solution to minimize discomfort. If additional comfort measures are needed, we can use PRO-NOX. You may feel tender in injected areas for a few days after treatment, which can be managed with over-the-counter medications if needed.

How many sessions will I need?

Depending on your facial structure, age, and goals, you will likely need 2-3 treatments spaced 6-8 weeks apart. Single treatments are not typically performed since multiple treatments are required to achieve desired results. 

How long does it take?

Your Sculptra treatment will start with a 30-minute consultation with one of our physicians. The injection process itself takes about 30 minutes.

How is urinary incontinence diagnosed?

The condition is diagnosed mainly on the pattern of symptoms. Keeping a urinary diary (a record of daily urination, urine accidents and fluid intake) can help your health care provider determine patterns and establish the working diagnosis. The provider will also ask questions about your general health, your history of incontinence, past surgeries, illnesses and any medication you're taking. A physical examination, including a pelvic exam, will be done, and a urine sample will be tested.

Sometimes other, more complicated tests may be needed to establish or confirm the diagnosis or to guide treatment.

How does incontinence relate to age?

Incontinence should not be considered to be a normal condition of aging. Elderly patients should be evaluated in essentially the same way that patients of any age should be evaluated. Incontinence is certainly more common as patients age, but incontinence can be seen in children, adolescents, and adults.

Why should I care about my bladder control problem?

People often live with incontinence without seeking help. Many cases can be cured or controlled with appropriate treatment. Urinary incontinence is the second leading cause of institutionalizing elderly people. The problem can contribute to decreased socialization, decreased quality of life and depression. Getting up at night to urinate also increases the risk of falling and fracturing a hip.

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